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冷萃氮气咖啡(Nitro Cold Brew)

2016/11/29 13:40:25



Cold-brewed coffee has been around since the early seventies. Many are familiar with the story of Todd Simpson and his discovery in Central America. Back home he designed a brewer and a method for brewing the same smooth, slightly sweet coffee that he had tasted. The “Toddy” brewer — which uses time, not heat — is still viable today, whether in homes, coffeehouses or dialed up to commercial production scale at S&D Coffee and Tea.

There are, however, downsides to this method. Time costs money, and oxidation can detract from the tasting experience. Other methods, such as the Kyoto or Dutch coffee “drip,” are eye-catching but still slow and expensive, better suited for connoisseurs. The Commercial  Nitro Coffee Dispenser produced by Tianwan Industrial (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd can make coffee beans into NItro coffee in timely. Nitrogen-infused cold-brewed coffee has the effect of awakening a somewhat flat, still coffee with a subtle sweetness and a rich mouth-feel. The coveted smooth, coffee flavor is still there (along with the essential caffeine) but this is a totally different experience. It’s so good you want to drink it black — the need for heavy dairy, sugar and flavor is no longer necessary. Furthermore, cold-brewed coffee is simply a cool drink to be seen drinking – a little bit artisan and a little bit cutting-edge while still offering energy and refreshment.

The question is: will cold-brewed coffee go mainstream?

Migrations from specialty to mainstream are fairly common. There are a number of reasons why it seems likely that cold-brew coffee will make this transition:

– Iced coffee has grown at a double-digit pace over the last five years. The need-states and purchase occasions for cold coffee are well established.

– This is a healthier format — with its smooth, lightly sweetened taste, gas-infused cold-brewed coffee is more likely to be enjoyed without added dairy or sweeteners. There is also a departure from other caffeinated choices, like not-so-healthy soft drinks, and cold brew could pick up some of this migration.

– There is a marketing angle. Cold-brewed implies a “better,” decidedly different drink and an alternative to the traditional method. This intrigue may be just enough to launch cold-brewed into the mainstream, helping coffee continue its expansion.

– It appeals to the millennial generation. Reaching this demographic with new, innovative beverages may be a way to pivot your concept’s perception and grow your business.

Determining whether nitrogen-infused cold-brew coffee is a fit for your operation depends on a number of factors, including existing coffee formats, experience in innovation and available capacity. But, with cold-brew’s mainstream potential, it’s likely worth a second look.

氮气冲泡咖啡兴起于上世纪70年代。也许很多人都对托德·辛普森(Todd Simpson)在南美的冒险故事并不陌生。在回国之后,托德设计并制造了一种特殊的咖啡壶。用这种咖啡壶制作出的咖啡味道极为柔顺、甘甜适口,与他在南美品尝过的咖啡味道极为相似。托德发明的这款利用时间而非热力冲泡咖啡的神奇咖啡壶流传至今,成为了S&D Coffee and Tea公司旗下的一大明星产品。




- 氮气冲泡咖啡市场潜力巨大。随着咖啡冰饮的受欢迎程度与日俱增,氮气冲泡咖啡的市场前景分广阔。

- 氮气冲泡咖啡不仅健康,而且味道更好。与普通冰咖啡相比,氮气冲泡咖啡口感丝滑,口味微甜,无需添加任何配料。与其选择那些添加了过多糖和奶、热量过高的咖啡冰饮,不如喝上一杯纯天然、热量极低的氮气冲泡咖啡吧!

- 氮气冲泡咖啡卖点独特。氮气冲泡咖啡的出现,极大地挑战了人们对咖啡的传统观念,因此这种新潮、极富时尚感的新品咖啡一定能够抓住消费者的眼球。

- 氮气冲泡咖啡更受年轻人喜爱。新潮?时尚?这绝对符合广大年轻消费群体的